Author: Laurie Faria Stolarz
Rating: 5 STARS
Ages recommended to: 13 and up!
I'm so happy with the books I've been finding lately, and I'm proud to say, this book has been added to my list of Ultra Amazing Books Read in 2010!!
It was SOOOOOO good, and of course, I except all of my friends to read it :D
A few months ago, Camelia should have died. But someone saved her- and she doesn't know who. He pushed her out of the way from the car that should have hit her, and comforted her.... And touched her stomach, giving her a strange feeling all over, before racing away, never to be seen again.
But then he returns, enrolling at her very own High School. Ben Challis. Rumors flow around, saying that he killed his girlfriend, and everyone instantly hates him. Except for Camelia of course, who tries to learn more about him and become his friend.... But is that a good thing? Or a dangerous one?
I wanna tell you guys more, try to hook you more to the book, but really, the more I write about it, the more likely I am to give the whole thing away ;)
It really was good though, and I read it all in one night- couldn't put it down!!
Praise for "Deadly Little Secret":
"CW-worthy dialogue, quirky secondary characters, romance and suspense: a winning combination." - Kirkus Reviews
Sounds awesome!! I'm gonna add it to my to read list right now!!