Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cliquetionary: The Wit and Wisdom of The Clique by Lisi Harrison

Title: Cliquetionary: The Wit and Wisdom of The Clique

Author: Lisi Harrison

Rating: 4.5 stars

Recommended to: 12 and up!

This is the dictionary of all things Clique, from the #1 Bestselling series, The Clique. It includes quizzes like: Which Clique girl are you? and "Conversations with The Clique" with a page on each character, telling her secrets and her favorite things. Then there were a few pages of Clique Quotes, which I thought was cool.
My favorite sections were the Pretty Committee Master Packing list (sooo funny :D) and all of the famous Clique Comebacks.

Really cute book if you're a fan of The Clique!

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